Monday, April 18, 2011

Three Years Ago

Today was not what I had hoped for.  There were too many of life's daily problems that intervened - car problems, getting from point A to point B. 

And yet, we watched the Moments with Ned video compilation that I put together two years ago from Vicki and Ned's video footage. It was so wonderful to see him and hear his laugh while he played with, danced with and kissed his little boy Shaan. Five year old Shaan enjoyed watching and the love and light of his father reached him from those precious past moments.

Our Dad spread out a beautiful display of photos of his son on the dining room table, from the chubby baby to the toe-headed kid to the awkward teen to the handsome father and husband with his family. 

I got to look for lizards with Shaan around the yard and talk to him about letters, trains and friends. 

I got to be around Vicki who carries on with such powerful grace, bringing the love and commitment of her and Ned's partnership fully to their son in the most responsible, conscious and caring way. 

I light a candle for you Ned. In this brief moment, on this foreboding day that marks when we lost you from the Earth, I commune with your spirit and bring it into my heart once again. 
I will always love you and look for you in my dreams always.